5:30 PM

Original "WALK & TALK" Details

Happy Leap Year!!
Revisiting Resolutions


Aloha Doug, 

I can hardly believe that it’s already February. Argh! My resolutions for a healthy new year only lasted for a day or two. I stopped working out almost as quickly as I started. I’m frustrated, but I’m also very determined to make this month different. I need to be realistic, Doug. What’s the absolute least I can do to get results? Please help me!

 Mucho Mahalo,

 Scott, Kapa`a

This is a great question!!

Firstly, let me reassure you that you are probably doing better than the majority. And, you are definitely not alone in your thoughts. With so many others paddling the same body boat today, you’re helping to navigate our ship-shape journey for everyone on board. Mahalo, and keep the faith, my friend. 

Let me start with some good news for you, Scott. Starting a workout program isn’t your issue. You did that just fine. Sure, it only lasted for a day or two, but that’s better than many. In fact, it’s probably better than most. Exercising intent is intense, right? But, you did it; you did something. 

You started. You stopped. Now, we just need to expand and expound upon this predictable pattern.


Alternating between exercising and not exercising is the name of the game. See… you already know the secret. Most people probably don’t have this perspective, but being consistently inconsistent is actually the answer.

Stamina routines should be followed by recuperation. Strength repetitions should be followed by rest. Stretching regimens should be followed by relaxation. Sustenance rules should be followed by release. 

So, your perceived problem of starting and stopping a program of healthy eating and exercise is also your solution. We just need to tighten up the timeline. Does this make sense? I have no doubt that you can dramatically transform your body and life this month, one with an extra leap day at the end to celebrate your success. But, you really need to embrace the concept of not having to exercise every single day, or eat perfectly for every single meal.


As much as this is about addressing the physicality and physiology of your body, it is also about considering the emotionality and intellectuality of your brain. 

With that, Great Scott, it’s time to address the true root of your question. How little can you do? Trust me; the following are my shortest synopses ever. You’ll need to dig through my website and columns for more specifics, but here are the crucial cruxes of my copious content. If you do the following, you will be amazed at how you look and feel by this time next month. Please remember that, although it is possible to transform your physique by doing very little, to do so safely and swiftly, you’ll need to learn a lot!


START strength training with one muscle or exercise per day, Monday thru Saturday: Push, Legs, Pull, Push, Legs, Pull. START lowering weights super slowly. START my Super 7-Week Shape-Up System for free.

STOP performing intense and overwhelming full-body routines. STOP starting with dangerous, ballistic motions and movements. STOP trying to keep up with the Joneses, including me.


START different daily activities, rotating between hike, swim, bike, scoot, etc. START alternating between perceived intensities of “very, very light” and “somewhat hard,” for 7 swings back and forth. Start today! 

STOP doing only one activity, such as walking. STOP counting the minutes. STOP thinking that you must maintain high intensities for long durations. STOP focusing only on heart rate. 

START stretching your muscles after each exercise, not before. START utilizing Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation to instantly lengthen muscles. START reading my previous columns on PNF.

STOP stretching to warm up instead of warming up to stretch. STOP stretching ligaments by staying within normal ranges of motion. STOP only stretching; add stamina and strength.


START eating only fresh fruit in the morning. START eating raw veggies and salads before anything else during the day. START drinking freshly-squished vegetable juices, every day. START eating food that grows.

STOP eating anything that is not nourishing your cells. STOP eating junk, fake, and fast “food.” STOP eating “food” that is manufactured. STOP following these rules only one day per week.


Start the month off right by stopping by tomorrow… at 5:30pm on 2/4... for my Super Sunday Sunset Stroll “Friends in Fitness” Walk & Talk. We will be meeting at the Kapa`a Swimming Pool, right behind Chicken in a Barrel. I’ll be holding a smiley hat with your name on it. 


In Health & With Hope, 

Doug :-)


Doug Jones earned his Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Maryland on a full academic scholarship and has served professionals and personalities as a concierge fitness trainer for decades. As a resident of Kauai and Connecticut, he has helped millions of people learn the secrets of fitness and fat loss through his Super 7-Week Shape-Up System. Doug has trained thousands of clients personally and is looking forward to helping you reach all of your health and fitness goals. 

please go to: http://Super7System.com  

please go to: http://DougJonesFitness.com