5:00 PM

Original "WALK & TALK" Details

Thanksgiving for Our
Buffet of Blessings:
From A to Z

The perfect way to celebrate this special time of year is to give thanks with a grateful heart while reflecting upon the miracle in the mirror. Surrounded by friends and family, we should all exercise gratitude today, one character at a time! Feast on the fun facts below, taking time to fully digest how you, and those around you, are fearfully and wonderfully made.


Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), your truly sustainable source of energy for living life, is being produced in your cells at a rate exceeding 4 pounds per hour.

Biomechanics, the orchestration of your body's movement, involves over 600 muscles and more than 360 joints in precise synergy for all your moving and grooving.


Capillaries, the smallest of blood vessels, comprise a network so vast that, if laid end to end, it would stretch almost 70,000 miles, or from LIH to NYC 7 times.

Dendritic Spines, vital for learning and memory, number in the billions, creating a neural network more intricate than the Milky Way galaxy.


Erythrocytes, your red blood cell army, circulate in the trillions, transporting oxygen and nutrients, keeping you walking and talking and riding and gliding.

Flexor Digitorum Profundus, a forearm muscle, grips with a force capable of lifting up the rear end of a full half-ton truck, over 1,000 pounds.

Gyri, the cerebral architects, span an expansive 2,500 square feet of your brain's surface, creating a neural masterpiece larger than a basketball court.

Hydroxyapatite, fortifying bones, is denser than some metals, as hard as concrete, and gives your skeleton a density often exceeding 2,000 pounds per square inch.

Interstitium, a network of fluid-filled highways, weaves throughout trillions of cells, connecting them and coordinating a balance with intricate precision.

Jugular Vein, a major vessel in your neck, facilitates blood drainage from the brain, managing an impressive flow rate of approximately 1.5 liters per minute.

Keratinocytes, forming a robust shield that safeguards your body’s largest organ with precision, meticulously produce 1,000 milligrams of keratin daily.

Leukocytes, those vigilant white blood cells and defenders of your body’s immunity, number between 5,000 to 10,000 per tiny teaspoon of blood.

Microbiota, the hustling and bustling ecosystem of microorganisms in your gut, outnumber the cells in your entire body, possibly reaching into the tens of trillions.

Nasal Conchae (Turbinates), intricate structures within your nose, warm and moisturize the 7,000 liters of air you breathe daily, including the yummy aromas of leftovers.

Optic Nerve, 9,000 times faster than high-speed internet, swiftly transmits visual data from your eyes to your brain, processing about 10 GB per second in full HD.

Pancreas, the little engine that could, is a 3-ounce organ producing and secreting 3 liters of digestive juices and insulin daily, all essential for nutrient absorption.

Quadriceps, our largest thigh muscles and akin to the high-endurance dark meat, allowed some turkey, at 53 years old, to perform 25,000 squats in 24 hours.

Reflux, a protective signal for which to be thankful, reminds us to savor the flavor of Thanksgiving in moderation, keeping the 1.5 liters of daily stomach acids at bay.


Spleen, a fist-sized organ, filters a remarkable 10 pints of blood per minute, removing old cells and playing a vital role in immunity and blood purification.

Taste Buds, numbering 10,000, discern sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and also sense the nuanced dimension of umami found in Thanksgiving turkey, duck, and ham.

Uterus, the largest muscle in the body (during pregnancy), nurtures and protects new life with incredible strength as it expands to over 500 times its normal size.

Villi, with 20 million per square meter, densely cover the small intestine, totaling over 5 trillion, creating a tennis-court-sized surface for optimal nutrient absorption.

Wernicke's Area, processing tens of thousands of words daily in the brain, enables thanksgivings to be shared with family, coupled with fervent prayers of gratitude.

Xiphoid Process, a nimble inch-long muscle origin point below the sternum, flexibly accommodates 20,000 breaths a day, permitting both stamina and strength.

Yellow Marrow, a bone fatty tissue, is responsible for storing crucial minerals and can transform into red marrow, producing over 500 billion blood cells daily.

Zygomaticus Major, the "smile muscle," hopefully contracts 1000s of times a day, triggering endorphins and releasing joy, happiness, hopefulness, and thanksgiving.

Today, as much as I am thankful for me, I am also thankful for you. I look forward to us talking turkey on my next Super Sunday Sunset Stroll Friends in Fitness "Walk & Talk" on 12/3 at 5:00 pm. Meet us at the parking lot of the Kapaa Swimming Pool, right behind Chicken in a Barrel BBQ on Kou Street. Look for the guy on the scooter with the smiley face hats; that's me!

In Health & With Hope,

Doug :-) 


Doug Jones earned his Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Maryland on a full academic scholarship and has served professionals and personalities as a concierge fitness trainer for decades. As a resident of Kauai and Connecticut, he has helped millions of people learn the secrets of fitness and fat loss through his Super 7-Week Shape-Up System. Doug has trained thousands of clients personally and is looking forward to helping you reach all of your health and fitness goals. 

please go to: http://Super7System.com  

please go to: http://DougJonesFitness.com