on the Kitchen Island,
on The Garden Island

Aloha Friends in Fitness,

Before we spring into the splendors of sprouting, I want to remind you to join me and my fellow friends in fitness for our Super Sunday Sunset Stroll (8/20 at 6:00 pm). Tomorrow, we will be meeting in the parking lot of the Kapa`a Swimming Pool, right behind Chicken in a Barrel BBQ on Kou Street. 

I am still giving away smiley face hats to all participants, even if you choose to do more talking than walking. On Sundays, my pace is a strolling saunter, not a sprinting skedaddle. 

During our last outing, I chatted with somebody about the benefits of growing sprouts at home, and having a miniature Garden Island on your own countertop, providing the epitome of fresh nutritive fitness.

Sprouts pack a concentrated nutritional wallop. These tiny seeds, when soaked in water, spring to life, offering a fresh source of nutrition. Unlike many store-bought vegetables that have been harvested days or even weeks earlier, sprouts are consumed while they are still growing and at their peak nutritional value.

When it comes to a plant-based source of protein, sprouts are an unexpected hero. For instance, mung bean sprouts contain about 42% protein. Broccoli sprouts are even richer, with around 60% protein. Lentil and adzuki bean sprouts are also protein-packed, coming in at 46% and 43%, respectively. Considering that a pound of any of these contains only 100-150 calories, and are full of fiber, you just can't outeat them. Stuff yourself silly!!

And here's the kicker: while most foods lose nutrients during cooking, sprouts are unique. Sprouts introduce us to the live enzymes that are often lost in cooked foods. These enzymes are essential catalysts that play a vital role in digestion and help our bodies absorb nutrients more efficiently. They are like nature's little helpers, ensuring that the nutrients in our food are broken down and utilized to their fullest potential. 

Hopefully, you remember one of my secrets to super sustenance, eating vegetables before eating anything else. Well... sprouts are vegetables, too! (hint hint)

Incorporating sprouts into our daily routines can be a simple, yet truly transformative, step toward wholesome whole-food living. The ease of cultivation, the economic benefits, and the abundance of nutrients that they provide make sprouts the original superfood. They actually increase in nutritive value as they grow and "ripen" right in front of your eyes, developing green leaves (cotyledons) which contain chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll offers a variety of health benefits and is sometimes referred to as "plant blood." It's a potent antioxidant and has been studied for its detoxifying effects on the body.

Please consider my invitation to embrace eating a healthy dose of sprouts as a staple in your daily diet. Sprouts are a nutritional marvel that deserve a permanent spot on your plate, if not the entire platter. You can join my Super 7-Week Shape-Up System for free online and watch a great introductory video all about the world of sprouting sprouts.

I could write an entire book on the benefits of eating sprouts. In the meantime, let me summarize by saying that eating fresh sprouts of seeds, beans, legumes, and lentils holds a very, very close second place to the health benefits of juicing fresh vegetables. Sprouts are one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, especially when they are eaten fresh and still growing. They are one of the only foods which are actually increasing in nutritive value at the time that they are consumed. Plus, they are dirt cheap (pun intended), plentiful, tasty, packed with nutrients, and essentially non-caloric.

I dare you to eat too many sprouts. I always try to eat a pound of sprouts per day, but usually only make it halfway. Have you downed a pound today?

Incorporating sprouts into your daily routine is easy peasy, too. Soak once, rinse once per day, and watch them grow. Throw a handful of sprouts onto your salad for a crunchy texture and a burst of flavor. If you're looking for heartier options, try adding a dollop of sesame tahini, avocado, hummus, or a smear of almond or cashew butter. These healthy fats not only complement the sprouts but also provide satiety and an extra nutrient boost.

I look forward to seeing you for our "Walk & Talk" in Kapa`a tomorrow night. Bring some more great questions. It's been super duper fun! Aloha & Mahalo!

In Health & With Hope,

Doug :-)

Mark your calendars for my Super Sunday Sunset Stroll tomorrow, 8/20 at 6:00 pm. Meet us at the parking lot of the Kapa`a Swimming Pool, right behind Chicken in a Barrel BBQ on Kou Street. Look for the guy with the smiley face hats; that's me!


In Health & With Hope,

Doug :-)

Doug Jones earned his Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Maryland on a full academic scholarship and has served professionals and personalities as a concierge fitness trainer for decades. As a resident of Kauai and Connecticut, he has helped millions of people learn the secrets of fitness and fat loss through his Super 7-Week Shape-Up System. Doug has trained thousands of clients personally and is looking forward to helping you reach all of your health and fitness goals. 

please go to: http://Super7System.com  

please go to: http://DougJonesFitness.com