5:00 PM

Original "WALK & TALK" Details

#1 Health Hack:
Quit While You're Ahead!

I asked myself a question this week, as I was working my heart out biking the oceanfront path in Kapa`a. Every time that I passed an onlooker huffing and puffing billows of smoke clouds into my path, it made me ask myself why I have yet to write about this single most important topic. The #1 choice that you can make to improve your level of health and fitness, both immediately, and forever, is to never, ever smoke… anything!

A Breath of Fresh Air: Smoking and vaping are not cool; they're deadly. These habits are linked to life-threatening health issues, turning any illusion of coolness into a distant memory. Envision a life where you don't reach for that cigarette or device. Picture a world where your lungs inhale fresh, clean air, allowing your body to thrive without the constant onslaught of poisonous chemicals. After all, a little bit of a bad thing isn’t a good thing.

Reaping the Grim Reality: Smoking and vaping expose you to toxic chemical cocktails, including formaldehyde, arsenic, lead, and more. These substances are your constant companions, increasing risk of diseases like lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues. Smoking marijuana, often seen as a safer alternative, is not without its own set of health hazards. Inhaling any combusted plant material, even for medicinal purposes, releases harmful compounds into your lungs, including tar and carcinogens.

Nicotine Nightmare: Found in both smoking and vaping, nicotine is intensely addictive, manipulating your brain's reward system, making quitting an uphill battle. This addictive substance increases heart rate, constricts blood vessels, and releases adrenaline, leading to higher blood pressure. The result? Increased stress on your heart and an elevated risk of heart disease. So, while it might seem like a temporary stress-reliever, it's anything but that.

Circulo-Respiratory Stress: Smoking and vaping can put you in the front row, setting the stage for lung cancer and heart disease. Inhaling hot debris and chemicals, whether from tobacco or marijuana, wreaks havoc on your respiratory and cardiovascular systems, potentially leading to lung irritation, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Silent, but Deadly: Even a small amount of secondhand smoke is dangerous, especially for children and non-smokers. Additionally, thirdhand smoke embeds pollutants in furniture and clothing long after the smoke “clears” the room. Notably, the American College of Sports Medicine categorizes exercisers as smokers even if they are “only” exposed to secondhand smoke or have quit smoking within the previous six months. What you can’t see can hurt you.

Young Lungs: Smoking and vaping set a dangerous example for young people. By quitting, you save them from the horrors of addiction and the deadly consequences of these habits. Adolescents are impressionable, and they will follow your lead of a healthier, happier, smoke-free life. Over a lifespan, our lungs are exposed to hundreds of millions of liters of non‐sterile air while maintaining their function and integrity. Don’t blow it; don’t inhale!

The Battle for Blood: Carbon monoxide, found in smoke, binds to the hemoglobin in your blood with an affinity 240 times stronger than that of oxygen. This deprives all of your body’s tissues of oxygen, impairing performance and stifling life. Smoking before, after, and definitely during intense exercise is a heart attack waiting to happen. Keep your machine clean!

Precious and Priceless: We each have two eyes and, while they are invaluable, we can live without them, if necessary. However, our two lungs are irreplaceable and priceless. These vital organs contain a half-billion delicate alveolar air sacs responsible for exchanging gases between the air and our blood. Would you trade a half-billion dollars for a final breath? Don't bet your life on it. Instead, step outside and breathe in the nurturing nature of The Garden Island.

Hope for Health and Healing: If you inhale anything, it's time to confront the facts. The chilling reality is that even once-a-month smoking is enough to label you a smoker. The true power of a smoke-free life lies in the ability to live fully, breathe deeply, and savor every moment of vibrant health while relishing the fresh Kauaian air and the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest. Quitting today offers immediate improvements in circulation, oxygen saturation, and heart health. In the short and long term, it also substantially reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and various cancers.

 Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made… and it’s miraculously resilient. Be good to it!

In Health & With Hope,

Doug :-) 


Mark your calendars for my Super Sunday Sunset Stroll on 11/5 at 5:00 pm. Meet us at the parking lot of the Kapaa Swimming Pool, right behind Chicken in a Barrel BBQ on Kou Street. Look for the guy with the smiley face hats; that's me!

Doug Jones earned his Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Maryland on a full academic scholarship and has served professionals and personalities as a concierge fitness trainer for decades. As a resident of Kauai and Connecticut, he has helped millions of people learn the secrets of fitness and fat loss through his Super 7-Week Shape-Up System. Doug has trained thousands of clients personally and is looking forward to helping you reach all of your health and fitness goals. 

please go to: http://Super7System.com  

please go to: http://DougJonesFitness.com